The Hurricane Read online

Page 6

  “Can I taste you, baby?” he asked. Baby? He had never called me that. My heart did a somersault and I knew there was no turning back after this.

  “Yes,” I whimpered as he grazed his tongue along my inner thighs, burying his nose into me and letting out a deep growl.

  “Fucking magic,” he whispered, and then slid his tongue over my clit, causing a loud moan to escape my throat.


  3 hours later

  My legs were Jell-O. No way in hell could I move. Even if it was possible, I wouldn’t want to. I was wrapped in Ryker’s arms and he felt too good. He had spent the last few minutes running his fingers up and down my bare back and I was in a trance. My Ryker trance. He seemed to have that effect on me. I heard his stomach growl and couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Hungry?” I asked as I ran my nails over his rock hard abs, admiring the tattoos that covered the top half of his chest.

  “We worked up an appetite,” he said with a laugh. I loved his laugh. It made me smile.

  “I can cook something, or we could go out,” I offered, not really wanting to leave, but I didn’t want him hungry.

  “I was serious when I said I wanted you just like this for the rest of the day,” he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist, and pulled me on top of him.

  “I like that idea,” I admitted as I kissed his lips, and literally felt his stomach growl under me.

  “How about pizza in bed?” he asked in between kisses.

  “Works for me.” Ryker threw on his jeans when the doorbell rang.

  “Don’t move,” he said playfully as he jogged out of my bedroom.

  I covered myself with my comforter, suddenly feeling a little self conscious. The aroma of pizza hit my nose before Ryker came into view. He sat the pizza on the bed and sat beside me.

  “What are you doing?” I smirked at him.

  “I’m about to tear this pizza up,” he said as he flipped the box open.

  “If I’m naked, you’re naked,” I laughed as I pointed to his jeans.

  “If you insist,” he said with a grin as he stood, and unbuttoned his jeans. I allowed myself to stare and didn’t feel a bit guilty about it. He didn’t put his boxers back on, so when he pulled his jeans down his cock sprung free, and I bit my bottom lip to keep from gasping. He really was huge.

  “Don’t do that,” he said as he pulled his pants the rest of the way off.

  “Do what?” I asked.

  “Look at me like that. Otherwise, the pizza will have to wait,” he said as he slid back in bed, and kissed my lips.

  God, he was sexy.

  “I think we need the calories for strength,” I said as I grabbed a slice of pizza, handing it to him.

  “You’re probably right,” he said as he pulled me closer to him once I grabbed a slice for myself.

  We ate our pizza in silence for a few minutes. Well, I nibbled, not wanting to look like a fat ass, and Ryker inhaled his.

  “Are you busy next weekend?” Ryker asked as we were snuggled together and I started to fall asleep against him. Between the sex and the carbs, I was exhausted.

  “My schedule is pretty open.” I smiled as I waited.

  “My brother has a restaurant opening this weekend in Austin; do you want to go with me?”

  I sat for a minute, thinking, contemplating, and my brain worrying that this was going too fast.

  “Unless you don’t want to,” he interrupted my thoughts.

  “No, I mean yes, I do, want to go,” I stammered.

  “Are you sure?” he chuckled, in turn, caused me to giggle.

  “I’m sure, it sounds fun,” I said. Screw it. Ryker was right; we were adults and didn’t have to answer to anyone. Brooklyn would still be with my parents, and otherwise I would spend the weekend alone.

  An alarm startled me, causing me to jump, which also woke Ryker. I popped my eyes open and realized it was dark outside.

  “Oh shit,” Ryker mumbled as he grabbed his phone from the nightstand, silencing the alarm.

  “What time is it?” I asked, still groggy; we must have both fallen asleep. We were still naked and wrapped in each other’s arms, the pizza box still at the foot of the bed.

  “4:45” he said as he slid out of bed.

  “In the morning?”

  “I never sleep like that,” he said with a laugh as he pulled his jeans on. The emptiness fell over me like a cold bucket of water.

  “I’ve got to get ready for work,” he said as he fumbled around the room looking for his shirt. I knew he lived twenty minutes away, and he had to be at work at six.

  “Are you going to be late?” I asked.

  “Nah, I’ve just gotta hurry,” he said as he leaned over the bed and kissed me.

  “I’ll walk you out,” I said as I stood, still naked, but grabbed my robe that I kept draped over my corner chair.

  Ryker grabbed me by the hand as he shoved his phone in his pocket and led me to the front door.

  “I’ll call you after work, ok?” he said as he reached down and pressed his lips to mine. My arms automatically wrapped around his waist.

  “Ok,” I said, and I shut the door behind him, but waited until I heard his truck back out of the driveway.

  Once the engine faded from my ears, I sprinted to my room and jumped on my bed, grabbing my phone from the nightstand on the way.

  “Why are you up so early?” Em said when she picked up her phone.

  “Ryker stayed the night,” I said through my grin that was spread across my face.

  “He did? Bubba, don’t give your sissy a nugget, she’s too little!” she said, and I heard the phone drop to the ground.

  “Sorry, lunch time,” she said with a giggle after I heard shuffling.

  “Soooo . . . details!” she whispered loudly.

  “Em, oh my God, he’s just . . . I don’t know . . . like . . . oh my god . . .” I stumbled over my words, unable to form a sentence over what I was feeling.

  “Is he hung?” she asked, completely serious.

  “Emily!” I scolded.

  “What? Well?” she laughed. I couldn’t speak.

  “Oh no! Please tell me you didn’t wait all these years for a pencil dick?” she asked in a worried tone.

  “Oh my God, I hope your children can’t hear you,” I laughed.

  “I went into the hallway, asshole, plus they are way more interested in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse than anything I have to say.”

  “He’s huge,” I blurted out.


  “Did he go down on you? Because seriously, I think I would miss that more than anything else.”

  “It was unbelievable,” I said as I threw my head back on the pillow, and had to squeeze my thighs together just remembering how his tongue felt on me.

  “Can I just be completely honest and tell you how happy I am that you got laid?” she said, and let out a loud sigh.

  “I think you just did,” I laughed.

  “And you have the next two weeks to get it on all over the place!” she squealed.

  “Am I crazy for doing this?” I asked.

  “For what? Being a grown ass woman with needs? No honey, you would be crazy if you didn’t do this.”

  “Don’t stick the carrot up your nose! I gotta go, Nat. I’ll call you soon. Love you!” she said in one quick breath.

  “Love you, too,” I said, and waited for the clicking sound of our ended call. I missed her so much. Two years was way too long to go without seeing your best friend. One more year and they would be back. Probably not back in Texas, but the United States at least. That would make things so much better.

  Ryker’s scent caught my nose and I put my face in the pillow next to me. A feeling of comfort washed over me. I had an hour left to sleep before work and I was going to take advantage of it.

  A ride for a ride

  I was a little unsure about this. She had made a comment about riding on my bike, but I wasn’t sure if she would actually do it. I was ab
out to find out. I pulled my bike into her driveway, next to her SUV, and dropped the kickstand. I opened the saddlebag and pulled the new helmet out before heading to her front door.

  “Hey there, sexy” she said with a smile when she opened the door. I noticed her eyes widened just a little when she spotted the helmet in my hand.

  “Hey, beautiful,” I said as I grabbed her around the waist, pulling her against me, and planting a kiss on those perfect lips of hers.

  “You up for a ride?” I asked, and kissed the tip of her nose. She bit her bottom lip and smiled at the same time.

  “Is that a yeah?”

  “I’m a little scared,” she whispered as she put her forehead against my chest.

  “I’ll keep you safe, I promise,” I said as I cupped her chin, forcing her to look at me. She stared into my eyes for a good two minutes before speaking.

  “Ok, let’s do it,” she said after letting out a long sigh, but she couldn’t hide the smile on her face.

  “Yeah?” I asked, wanting her to be sure.


  I glanced down and noticed she was wearing a pair of denim shorts with sexy little fringe shit on the bottom. Her legs were fucking amazing, but I knew she needed to change.”

  “You might want to put some jeans on though, the pipe gets hot.”

  “Oh, ok. Come in so I can change,” she said, and walked inside the house. Her perky little ass was swaying back and forth with each step, and my need to touch her was almost overwhelming. I shut the door behind me and grabbed a handful of her ass before smacking it gently. The little squeal she let out only fueled me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, walking behind her, kissing her neck.

  “Mmm . . . you smell good,” I said as I sniffed her neck. I had never smelled a woman that did this to me. She fucking seduced me with her scent.

  “Maybe we could go for a ride later,” I said as I started to kiss her neck, and ran my fingers through her long hair.

  “No way,” she said with a laugh, “You convinced me to do this, so we’re doing it before I change my mind.”

  “You better go change then. That ass in those shorts is about to make me lose my fucking mind,” I admitted as I smacked her ass again, and guided her in the direction of her bedroom. She whipped around and gave me a quick kiss before walking to her room. I watched as her ass swayed with each step she took. She stopped in her doorway and turned her neck to look at me. She blew me a kiss and then shut the door behind her. Fuck me, she was so sexy. No other woman had ever affected me this way. I wasn’t exactly a saint, so I’d had more than my share of women, but she was different. I had to adjust my swollen dick that was rubbing against my jeans. Just the thought of Natalie got me hard. My poor dick was going to be raw soon, trying to escape from my jeans, constantly twitching and begging to be inside her.

  Just when I thought she couldn’t get any hotter, she walked out of her bedroom in a pair of faded tight jeans, a black tank that hugged her perfect tits and a pair of chucks. Fucking heaven. She slid her sunglasses on her face, and I almost dropped to my knees and worshipped her. She looked that fucking good.

  “Damn.” It was the only word that would come out of my mouth. I wanted to beg her to let me rip those fucking jeans off her body and bury my face in her magic pussy. But I didn’t. Son of a bitch.

  “Let’s go,” she said as she grabbed the front of my shirt with her fist and pulled me towards the front door.

  “Is that for me?” she asked, glancing at the helmet when we stood next to my bike.

  “Yep,” I answered as I sat the helmet on her head, and started to adjust the straps.

  “You don’t wear one?” she asked, and gave me a worried stare.

  “No,” I answered, but didn’t elaborate.

  “You should,” she said, and gave me a worried little smile.

  “Perfect,” I said as I gave her one last glance before climbing on my bike and kicking the stand up. She didn’t push the helmet issue, thankfully.

  “Hop on,” I said as I straddled the bike, steadying it upright. She didn’t hesitate.

  “Now, keep your feet on this,” I said, and pointed down. “And keep your arms around me. When we turn just lean with me, ok?” I said. She simply nodded her head and wrapped her arms around me tightly.

  “I got you, ok?” I said as I patted her hand, and then started my Harley. The roar of the engine vibrated under me, and I felt the usual rush of excitement that flowed through me every time I rode. But it was amplified this time, because she was against me. As soon as I started to roll the bike, I felt her grip tighten. I gave her hand a squeeze before grabbing my ape hanger handle bars.

  As we coasted down the winding roads and I felt Natalie relax into me. I didn’t want to run into any traffic so I took the back way to my favorite place. She kept a tight grip, and her body was attached to the back of mine. I took a left and started down towards the bay. It was a secret place that I had found years before. I had never brought anyone here; it was where I came to think. It was a perfect little hidden area, a low cliff that overlooked the ocean. The only sound you could hear was the waves crashing into the rocks below. As my speed slowed down, she dug her nails into my stomach and then ran her hands down lower. She gripped her hand around my cock and gave it a squeeze. Desire rumbled through my body as I felt her touch. She started rubbing my dick with one hand and digging her nails into my abs with the other. It took everything in me to continue to our destination and not take her on the side of the road. Luckily, we were close. I felt her body cling to mine as my cock started to throb. I pulled my bike right up to the cliff and killed the engine. Before I moved, I felt Nat pull her helmet off and pulled the neck of my shirt down as she started kissing my shoulder blades, still stroking my cock. She felt so fucking good.

  In one swift move, I hopped off my bike and pulled her by the hand, watching her leg swing over the seat.

  “Come here,” I whispered as I pulled her into my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist. She slammed her lips into me and my tongue found hers, desperate for the connection. After a few minutes, Natalie broke our kiss and looked around.

  “This place is beautiful,” she said with a ragged breath.

  “I thought you might like it,” I whispered, digging my fingers into the ass of her jeans, needing to feel her. I reached down into the saddlebag and pulled the flannel blanket out, without letting her go.

  “Do you always have a blanket in there?” Nat asked as she eyed me suspiciously.

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “No, just for today,” I said, in complete honesty.

  “Ok, good,” she said as she unclenched her legs from my waist and stood on her own feet, turned around and pressed her back against my chest. I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her closer to the cliff. I spread the blanket out and sat down on it, patting the spot beside me. Natalie stared at me for a second before glancing all around. She looked back at me and squatted down. But instead of sitting beside me, she straddled herself over my lap. My arms went to her waist and my eyes went to her perfect tits.

  “Is this place secluded?” she asked as she brushed her tits against me, whispering in my ear.

  “Completely,” I whispered back, running my hands under her tank top, feeling the soft skin on her back.

  “No one can see us?” she asked, grinding into me.

  “Not a chance.” I had never seen another soul up here. But at this point, we could have an audience and I wouldn’t care. I wanted her right now.

  Natalie pulled her tank top over her head and my eyes fixed on the black lace bra, concealing those perky tits right in my face. She reached her hands behind her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall between us. Her tits were begging to be kissed. Or my tongue was begging for her tits, either way, I needed to taste them. I pulled her closer to me and ran my tongue over her nipple, the heat from her pussy radiating against me.

  “Ryker,” Natalie said as she grabbed my hair, forcing m
e to take my tongue away from her and I met her gaze.

  “Ryker,” she repeated. “I need to ride you. Now,” she said as she pushed me on my back and hovered over me, our breaths ragged, anxious. I had never seen this side of her. Demanding. Out of control. It drove me fucking crazy with desire.

  Her wish was my fucking command.

  Good Vibrations

  I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never felt like that before. My body was so full of need, I couldn’t control myself. Ryker seemed to have that effect on me. I was turned on before we even left the house. Then the vibrations from the motorcycle, paired with Ryker’s body, it was more than I could handle.

  And as I lay here, resting my breasts on his bare chest, this overwhelming sense of peace flowed through me. He gave me comfort that I don’t think I had ever felt before. Not even with Kyle.


  As soon as his face appeared in my mind, a feeling of guilt washed over me. I tried to push it away. He was gone. He was gone. He would want me to be happy. But it suddenly felt like it was hard to breathe. I started to rise up, to give myself a minute. Get some air, something.

  “Don’t move,” Ryker whispered in my ear and tightened his grip around me.

  “You feel too good, please don’t move,” he said as he ran his fingertips down my back. And just like that, the guilt was gone. I showered his chest with kisses before lifting my body just enough to meet his eyes. Those intoxicating grey eyes.

  “Sorry about that,” I said, a little embarrassed.

  “What could you be sorry for?” he asked, tucking a long strand of hair behind my ear.

  “For practically forcing myself on you,” I said, remembering how I basically attacked him.

  “Feel free to force yourself on me any damn time,” he said, and slapped my bare ass gently, reminding me that I was naked, out in the open.

  “We should get dressed,” I laughed as I wiggled out of his arms, looking for my clothes.

  Once we were dressed, I propped myself against Ryker, leaning into the comfort of him. He wrapped me in his arms, planting light kisses along my shoulder.